How Minecraft 1.21’s Ominous Bottle Could CHANGE Structures
The final major snapshot for the minecraft 1.21 update has been released. This added a lot of pretty important features like new enchantments for the mace and a few new potions. Among those was the ominous bottle which gives the player the bad omen effect. This works in villages to start raids and also trial chambers to make them more difficult. That made me realize though, there are far more than just 2 structures in minecraft. So in today’s video I’m going over my ideas for how the bad omen effect could be used in some of the game’s other locations! Odyssey Central Twitter: / odyssey_central Odyssey Central Discord Server: / discord Odyssey Central Maker ID: VPB-NM9-KLF Videos: • Minecraft BEST Raid Farm - 3600 Emera... The Greatest Video Ever Made: • Cool Bowser Dances to Electrodrome