Popsicle Stick Crafts - Miniature Relaxing Hut #3

Popsicle Stick Crafts - Miniature Relaxing Hut #3

In this video, we will show you how to make a miniature relaxing hut from popsicle sticks. Find us on Patreon: https://goo.gl/aKeKs4 Please Llike us on Facebook: https://goo.gl/PRfMxg Please Follow us on Pinterest: https://goo.gl/e2dLhM Look tiny but good for home decoration or fairy garden. Don’t forget to try to make it or teach your kids to do it. You can do it yourself for fun or for other projects. With this popsicle stick crafts, you can easily follow the easy step by step and we hope it will help you to improve your creative ideas and your kids’ crafts ideas. Material used: Popsicle sticks Sticks Glue Saw and Scissor Please like, comment and share this video One video a day.. please subscribe for more https://goo.gl/jUQTb2 Checkout our playlists: DIY Toys for kids https://goo.gl/ptaEdZ DIY Plastic bottle crafts https://goo.gl/nq1raC DIY Wooden toys https://goo.gl/yooPaC DIY Popsicle stick crafts https://goo.gl/Nj7Z3W DIY Cardboard house https://goo.gl/uiyhK3 DIY House projects https://goo.gl/O5UEG4 Thank you for support