Ways to get relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Department of Gastroenterology

Ways to get relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Department of Gastroenterology

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Dos and Dont's IBS is also known as spastic colon, irritable colon, mucous colitis, and spastic colitis. It is a separate condition from inflammatory bowel disease and isn’t related to other bowel conditions. IBS is a group of intestinal symptoms that typically occur together. The symptoms vary in severity and duration from person to person. However, they last at least three months for at least three days per month. 🔵 Ways to get relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Making a few changes to your lifestyle will go a long way in controlling Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). 1. Eat more fibre and drink more water: Eating fiber adds bulk to stool, helping it to move through the colon easily. Drink at least eight glasses of fluid, such as water, Juice or herbal tea per day. 2. Avoid triggered foods and habits: Avoid Caffeine, alcohol, fatty fried foods, dairy products, canned foods and quit smoking. Some Medications can trigger your symptoms, so make sure that you tell your doctor all the medications you are taking. 3. Manage Stress: Stress and sleep disturbances can trigger Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms. You can get professional help to relieve these problems 4. Be More Active: The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source. 5. Medications: There are different groups of medications available to control the different symtoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Do not take any medications without consulting doctor. ----------------------------------------------------- Pace Hospitals T:+91 40 48486868 Hyderabad, Telangana, India Department of Gastroenterology, Liver and Pancreas disease: https://www.pacehospital.com/gastroen... #PaceHospitals #Pancreatology #Gastroenterology #Hepatology Liver Cirrhosis - Causes, Symptoms, Complications and Treatment | Dr Govind Verma:    • Liver Cirrhosis - Causes, Symptoms, C...   10 Important COVID Myths BUSTED | Dr Ravula Phani Krishna:    • Video   Gallstones (cholelithiasis) - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment | Dr Ravula Phani Krishna:    • Video   Liver Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | Dr Phani Krishna Ravula:    • Video   Inguinal Hernia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Dr Phani Krishna Ravula:    • Video   Fatty Liver Disease and NASH (Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) | Dr Ravula Phani Krishna:    • Video   Intestinal Cancer, Large Bowel Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Dr Ravula Phani Krishna:    • Video   Chronic Pancreatitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Dr Ravula Phani Krishna:    • Video   Gastroesophageal reflux disease (#GERD) : Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | Dr Ravula Phani Krishna:    • Video   Kidney Biopsy : Indications, Preparation and Procedure | Dr A Kishore Kumar:    • Kidney Biopsy : Indications, Uses & C...   Diabetic Kidney Disease: Causes and Treatment | Dr A Kishore Kumar:    • Diabetic Kidney Disease - Causes, Sym...   Kidney Stone: Prevention, Symptoms and Laser Treatment | Dr H Veeresh:    • Video