Jeff Nippard is Wrong About How to Build Bigger Abs
Jeff Nippard released a video titled "How to Get Abs in 60 Days (Using Science)", but he didn't get abs in 60 days, and he forgot to consider some of the most important science. As a result, I don't think his video does a great job of teaching people how to build bigger ab muscles, especially if they're skinny, lean, or if they already lift weights. More on how to bulk up your abs here: https://bonytobeastly.com/the-skinny-... * * If you want to join our free muscle-building newsletter: 🌴🌴🌴 https://bonytobeastly.com/ If you want a full hypertrophy training workout routine, bulking diet, online coaching, and lifestyle program designed to help you bulk up, we've got you covered there, too: 🏋🏋🏋 https://bonytobeastly.com/products/