[시사영어 1일1문] 트럼프의 신무역체제 발동 (NYT) (최신영어뉴스로 영어공부)

[시사영어 1일1문] 트럼프의 신무역체제 발동 (NYT) (최신영어뉴스로 영어공부)

출처: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/13/us... (긴 뉴스기사에서 필수적인 내용만을 추출하여 2~3 페이지로 구성했습니다. 완전한 전체 기사는 출처를 참고하시기 바랍니다.) 이 해설은 당일자 세계 주요 매체(일간지, 주간지, 방송)를 통해 전달되는 국제 정치, 경제, 문화 전반에 걸친 문제를 영어로 다룸으로써 시사 어휘와 유용한 시사 표현을 배우게 해주는 동시에 현대인으로서의 국제적인 감각을 갖게 해줄 것입니다. 우리 현실과 밀접한 관련이 있는 내용을 거의 실시간으로 다루므로 흥미롭게 꾸준히 따라가다 보면 자신도 모르게 영어실력(특히 영문독해력, 영어어휘력, 영작문능력)이 늘게 됩니다. 이것은 대학시절 저 자신의 경험을 통해 자신 있게 말씀드릴 수 있습니다. 앞으로 구독자님들의 영어실력이 장족의 발전을 보일 것을 확신합니다. 애청해 주셔서 감사드립니다. [본문] Trump says he will rework global trading relations with ‘reciprocal’ tariffs. President Trump on Thursday directed his advisers to come up with new tariff levels that take into account a range of trade barriers and other economic approaches adopted by America’s trading partners. That includes not only the tariffs that other countries charge the United States, but also the taxes they charge on foreign products, the subsidies they give their industries, their exchange rates, and other behaviors the president deems unfair. The president has said the step was necessary to even out America’s “unfair” relationships and stop other countries from taking advantage of the United States on trade. But he made clear that his ultimate goal was to force companies to bring their manufacturing back to the United States. “If you build your product in the United States, there are no tariffs,” he said during remarks in the Oval Office. The action seems likely to kick off intense negotiations with governments whose economies depend on exports to the United States. It could also elicit trade wars on multiple fronts if other countries choose to increase their own tariffs in retaliation. Nearly every country would be affected, but the move could have particularly significant consequences for India, Japan and the European Union. Mr. Trump and his staff members have repeatedly pointed to Europe’s value-added tax as an additional injustice on top of tariffs. Peter Navarro, the president’s senior counselor for trade, called the European Union’s VAT the “poster child” for unfair trade toward American business, saying that such treatment had allowed Germany to export to the United States many times the number of cars that it bought from it. “President Trump is no longer willing to tolerate that,” Mr. Navarro said. “The Trump fair and reciprocal plan will put a swift end to such exploitation of American workers.” The European Union requires a standard value-added tax rate on most goods and services, and while the rates vary by country, they average about 22 percent across European nations. The tax is applied at each stage in a supply chain, and the cost is usually borne by the end consumer. The United States is an outlier among advanced economies in not levying a value-added tax on products like cars. The reciprocal tariff plan is the latest move by Mr. Trump to punish allies and adversaries alike with an extraordinary array of trade actions. On Monday, the president signed a proclamation imposing 25 percent tariffs on all foreign steel and aluminum. Mr. Trump said his advisers would also meet over the next four weeks to discuss measures on cars, pharmaceuticals, chips and other goods. **참고로, 우리말 해석은 가급적 영어의 어순을 따라 진행됩니다. 여기서 해석의 최종목표는 영한 번역훈련이 아니고 영어구사력 향상입니다. 즉, 영문친화적인 해석을 해드립니다. 저는 개인적으로 이런 훌륭한 영어문장들을 꾸준히 암기해서 여러모로 활용하고 있습니다. 대체로 비슷한 문형들이 계속 반복되다 보니 이들을 암기하는 것이 그리 어려운 일은 아닙니다. 가끔씩 시간이 날 때는 그 날 암기한 영문기사를 입으로 중얼중얼하거나 종이에 직접 써보기도 하고 그것을 다시 실제 원문과 대조해 보기도 합니다. 이메일: [email protected]