Why We DITCHED The Aquaponics System
There are 2 main reasons why we don't run our aquaponics system any longer. ZEAL - Sign up under SMART SUBSCRIBE and save $10 off your order. Every purchase helps the homestead! https://zurvita.com/collections/all-p... TIMES TALES: Our favorite program for young kids learning their times tables. https://timestales.com/?rfsn=1892343.... HOMESCHOOL CRYPTO CLASSES! Does your homeschooler love computers? Most homeschool curriculum will not even come close to teaching the latest in tech. Joshua(my oldest) has been doing the Ivan Academy for almost 2 years now and he LOVES IT! FAMILY FRIENDLY CONTENT! https://academy.ivanontech.com/a/1793... WE LOVE OUR PATRONS! / anamericanhomestead HOMESTEAD T-SHIRTS https://an-american-homestead.myteesp... BUILD A SMOKE HOUSE! DOWNLOAD PLANS HERE: https://anamericanhomestead.com/produ...