3. Aliens Fireteam Elite PS5 (Demolisher Intense Difficulty) Priority One Extract Mission 3

3. Aliens Fireteam Elite PS5 (Demolisher Intense Difficulty) Priority One Extract Mission 3

Chapter 1-3. I always buy and bring Gun Turrets with me. I feel they do a better job at shooting than the A.I. Synth companions. I was thinking about making Technician my main since they have their own customizable Gun Turret but I didn't like their weapons. They can only use Handguns and either Shotguns or SMGs which aren't my favorites. Unfortunately the consumable turrets are really costly. You can bring 6 in total, 3 flame and 3 electric turrets. Each one costs $400, so $400 x 6 is $2400. There is a cheaper Turret type but they have low armor and ammo. Each mission always gives the same amount of money with it going slightly higher the higher the difficulty setting. So a Standard run pays out $800 while an Intense runs gives $880 without challenge card mods that multiply the money. So I have to stop and grind money from time to time. Even worse is that I still want to buy other items from the ship's store. Such a grindy game.