토론토 이튼센터 둘러 보기-Toronto Eaton Centre
갑자기 하루종일 집에서만 일 해서 운동도 하고 사람 구경하고 싶어 후다닥 나가봤다 어디를 갈까 고민하다, 제일 사람이 많고 활기가 넘치는곳 토론토 다운타운 이튼센터로 향했다 오늘은 무엇을 발견하고 배울까? Suddenly, I wanted to take a walk and see people after working from home all day, so I went out in a hurry before I changed my mind I was thinking where was best place to go I decided and headed to the Eaton Centre in downtown Toronto, which was the most crowded and lively place What will I discover and learn today? flowervillage09@gmail com