LIVER is DYING! 7 Weird Signs of Liver Damage
LIVER is DYING! 7 Weird Signs of Liver Damage In this video, we'll discuss 7 weird signs of liver damage that you should never ignore. Learn how to recognize these symptoms and take care of your liver health! The liver is one of the largest and most important organs in your body.It’s located in the upper right side of your abdomen, just beneath the rib cage. This organ is responsible for a wide range of essential functions, like detoxifying harmful substances, producing bile for digestion, metabolizing medications, and even storing vitamins and minerals. Essentially, the liver helps keep the body running smoothly by filtering out toxins from the blood. However, when the liver becomes damaged due to diseases like hepatitis, fatty liver, or alcohol abuse, it struggles to perform these vital tasks, and your body can start to show signs of distress. Now, let's explore 7 strange signs that your liver might be in trouble. 1.Unexplained Itchy Skin (Pruritus). 2.Dark or Extremely Pale Urine & Stool. 3.Bad Breath with a Musty or Sweet Odor (Fetor Hepaticus). 4.Red or Purple Palms (Palmar Erythema). 5.Brain Fog, Confusion, or Forgetfulness (Hepatic Encephalopathy). 6.Sudden, Unexplained Weight Loss or Muscle Wasting. 7.Yellowing of Eyes or Skin (Jaundice). #liverdisease #fattyliver #liverdamage early signs of liver damage,liver disease cure,liver cirrhosis,fatty liver,liver disease,liver damage,7 strange signs your liver are crying for help,liver steatosis,liver fibrosis,cirrhosis,inflamed liver,liver inflammation,cleanse the liver,detoxify the liver,how to recognize liver problems,liver damage symptoms,liver function,liver detox,liver cirrhosis symptoms,fatty liver diet,fatty liver disease,Nuttz health,liver is dying 12 weird signs of liver damage you must know,liver is dying 12 weird signs of liver damage,liver is dying early signs