10 Crazy Ways To Hide Your BASE in Minecraft!
10 INSANE WAYS TO HIDE YOUR HOUSE IN MINECRAFT WORLD! Today, in this Video im gonna show you 10+ Security build hacks and ideas For your house or Village in Minecraft! These Tricks and Building Will Keep your House against Zombies or even players! :) This video will help you to make these Builds! It might be called like: The Most Safest House, Safest base in Minecraft, 10 security build hacks vs zombies, defensive build hacks, secret base in minecraft, secret doors in minecraft, illegal houses in minecraft, the most secret base minecraft! These Ideas are simple to build ! Find your BUILD HACK: 0:00 INTRO 0:11 BOOKSHELF DOOR 1:21 TORCH-KEY BASE 2:52 UNDER LAVA BASE 4:24 MUSHROOM BASE 5:18 TREE BASE 6:33 UNDERWATER BASE 9:42 NOTEBLOCK DOOR 10:33 FIREPLACE ENTRANCE 11:42 NOISE DOOR 13:24 EYE SCANNER DOOR Like: • 10 Crazy Ways To Hide Your BASE in Mi... Music: Joakim Karud YouTube: / @joakimkarud Download: https://theartistunion.com/joakimkarud #minecraftideas #minecraftbuilds #minecraft