Came late to masjid & found imam in sujood, what to do? - assim al hakeem
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Didn't finish Fatiha in 3rd 4th rakah & imam went to ruku, what to do Is rakah valid assim al hakeem
What to do if you came LATE to the Masjid? Ft. @assimalhakeem
Came late 2 congregation Found imam in sujood or last tashahhud, about to give salam assim al hakeem
Came late to the Masjid while the Imam was in Sujood, what to do
Came late to masjid & found imam in sujood, what to do? - assim al hakeem
Is he Sinful for coming LATE to the Masjid (he always misses 1 or 2 rakat)?
Must I pray tahiyatul masjid if I come late & congregation has already started? - Assim al hakeem
Came late to Masjid, prayed alone, will I be rewarded as if I prayed in congregation Assim al hakeem
Late 2 masjid, prayer finished, call someone 2 pray 2nd congregation with me? Prohibited time? Assim
What to do if I join Imam late, don't have time to recite fateha & Imam goes to ruku Assim al hakeem
Came late & joined Imam in standing position but he went to Ruku & I did not finish Fatiha?
Joined imam late, came back up midway from sujood, is my prayer valid? assim al hakeem JAL
Came late to Masjid, prayed alone, will I be rewarded as if I prayed in congregation Assim al hakeem
Joined congregation when imam was in tashahhud, what to do? - Assim al hakeem
Joined congregation late how to complete prayer and should I recite Fatiha if Imam is standing posit
Joined imam in ruku(silent prayer) without reciting fateha, is it valid rakah when fateha is a must?
Felt discharge while praying, checked later & found wetness, is my prayer valid? - Assim al hakeem
How to join the Imam when he's in ruku or sujood | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Joining the Imam after missing one or more rakahs in congregation - Sheikh Assimalhakeem