Children’s Liturgy for the 2nd Sunday of Lent (03/05/2023)
We celebrate Children’s Liturgy of the Word so that children in our parish may get a more in depth understanding of our Liturgies. Ede Blabac, one of our wonderful volunteers, brings us this week’s Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Enjoy! Go to https://www.stfrancisbing.org/childre... for more information on Children’s Liturgy of the Word in our parish. To keep up with what’s going on around the parish or to contact us, visit: Website— https://www.stfrancisbing.org Facebook— / stfrancisbing Twitter— / stfrancisbing Call us at (607)722-4388 #catholic #stfrancisofassisi #childrensliturgy #christian #lent #religion #reading #reflection