Crispy Box Patties Recipe| Make & Freez For Ramadan| Iftar Special Recipe By Amber Ansari|

Crispy Box Patties Recipe| Make & Freez For Ramadan| Iftar Special Recipe By Amber Ansari|

Crispy Box Patties Recipe| Make & Freez For Ramadan| Iftar Special Recipe By Amber Ansari| Crispy Box Patties Recipe,Make & Freeze Recipe, Ramzan Special Recipe,Iftar Recipes. Crispy storable snack recipe| Crispy Chicken Box Patties are a delightful treat, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. Theseflavorful and crunchy delights are perfect for Iftar,the meal that breaks the fast at sunset. Let me share some details about these mouthwatering patties: #amberansarifoodsecrets #boxpattiesbyamberansari #boxpatties #crispysnackrecipe #freezerecipe #ChickenBoxPatties #BoxPatties #Chickenpatties #BoxPatties #Chicken BoxPatties #ramzanrecipes2025 #BoxPatties #chickensnacks #babafoodrrc #ramadan #ramadanmubarak #wintercooking #familyvlog #villagecooking #villagevlog #cookingvlog #villageroutine #morningroution #breakfast #winter #cookinginwinters #Kitchen boxpatties ,#crispysnackrecipe ,#saminafoodstory,#ramzanrecipes ,#iftarrecipe ,#newrecipes #makeandfreeze