August 15, 2021 Sunday Live Dharma Service, 9 a.m.

August 15, 2021 Sunday Live Dharma Service, 9 a.m.

Online Dharma Service with Resident Minister Reverend Satoshi Ka'imipono Tomioka. Today's service includes Music: 0:00 Opening Remarks: 51:40 Temple Bell (Kansho): 51:55 Vandana & Ti-Sarana: 55:54 ​ Sutra Chant: Sanbutsuge (Hymn in Praise of Buddha): 58:25 Moment of remembrance: 1:06:05 Dharma Message: "In Amida's Embrace" 1:08:40 Reading: Shinshu Pledge 1 1:47:20 Nembutsu: 1:48:13 Closing Remarks: 1:49:50 For the Buddha Dharma, please consider making a donation to the Puna Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. Online Book Club (via Zoom) "Immeasurable Life The Essence of Shin Buddhism" by Rev. John Paraskevopoulos on Fridays at 6:00pm with Rev. Satoshi Ka'imipono Tomioka. Buddhist Education Class: Tannisho will begin on Tuesday, September 7, 6 p.m.-p.m. We will read chapter 12. Call the Puna Hongwanji office at (808)-9669981 or email at [email protected] to inquire about how to participate. Website — Facebook —   / punahongwanji   YouTube —    / @punahongwanjibuddhisttempl7238   Instagram -   / punahongwanji1902   Twitter —