Blinded by Potential x Sarah Jakes Roberts
It's about that time for a heart check. You may need surgery but this type doesn't need a doctor's appointment. God says, "If you move, I'll heal..." tap in sis! ___________________________________ REGISTER for WE23: womanevolveconference.com Stay plugged into the Woman Evolve community: Download the APP: Woman Evolve www.womanevolve.com www.womanevolve.tv download the app from any mobile device’s app store, first 7 days are FREE! Thank you for being a part of this movement! Your support fuels the sisterhood and expands the reach of what God is doing through Woman Evolve. 💕 TO GIVE: https://tinyurl.com/SupportWomanEvolve ➤ SUBSCRIBE TO SJR's CHANNEL FOR MORE INSPIRATION: / @sarahjakesroberts ❗❗FOLLOW ON ALL THE SOCIALS 📷 Instagram ➤ ( / womanevolve ) // ( / sarahjakesroberts ) Facebook: ( / womanevolve ) // ( / sarahjakesroberts ) #WomanEvolve #SarahJakesRoberts #FaithJourney #ChristianMotivation #SpiritualGrowth #TrustGodsPlan #KingdomMindset #FaithOverFear #PurposeDrivenLife #GodsTiming #LetGoAndLetGod #MindsetShift #DivineDirection #LevelUpYourLife #GodsPlan #FaithBasedLiving #HeartCheck #SpiritualHealing #GodsHealingPower #MoveWithFaith #BreakthroughSeason #TrustTheProcess #HealingThroughGod #TapInSis #ChristianEncouragement #LifeChangingWord #MotivationalMessage #GodIsWorking