40 Minute Yoga Nidra | Trust Your Innocence | Yoga & Mindfulness Immersion: Week 4
This recording is available AD-FREE over on the free Insight Timer app! ➡️ https://insig.ht/H1w5TXm2BLb?utm_sour... Welcome to week four's yoga nidra practice where we continue our journey with a delicious deep rest and self-soothing practice exploring manomaya kosha, the mental/emotional body. Today’s 40-minute practice will support you in fostering your capacity to be with all aspects of yourself, all of your inner stories, and characters of the psyche, both personal and collective; this is a journey to wholeness, to understanding, healing, and integrating seemingly disparate parts. Establishing a profound and unconditional acceptance of what is... This is the radical love of the Infinite. It is safe and honorable to trust and care for whatever it is that arises in your awareness. Each feeling, each emotion offers us an opportunity to learn, to become conscious so that we might integrate, transmute, transform, and even transcend our personal and collective patterning, ignorance, and wounding. This is the power of the alchemy of love. The techniques of yoga nidra systematically relax the body and mind, effortlessly guiding the practitioner into progressively deeper brainwave states and toward the state of yoga nidra.. Known as the sleep of yogis, yoga nidra is an experience of resting in pure awareness, fully awakened to the radiant nature of being, in a state of profound connection or oneness with all that is. From this state, we can also work with sankalpa or intention to plant seeds for new life in the garden of the subconscious mind, thereby influencing the pure potentiality from which form arises. This taps us into our innate powers of self healing and fosters conscious creation. How is your fourth week of exploration coming along? See you soon for our next week of exploration. All my love, Christine 🦋 @christinemoonrose Here is the link to the full playlist for our 6 week immersion: • Yoga & Mindfulness Immersion: A 6 Wee... #yoga #mindfulness #immersion #yoganidra #yogicsleep #manomaya #kosha #emotional #awareness #selfcompassion #here #now