They LEFT Me HOME ALONE?! In Real Life 🏠 🎄
HOME ALONE IN REAL LIFE?! PRESLEE GET'S LEFT ALONE WHEN WE WENT OFF TO PARIS!! How will we get BACK to her?!? WATCH NEXT: • BEDROOM SWAP ON A SCHOOL NiGHT w/ 10 ... BEDROOM SWAP ON A SCHOOL NiGHT w/ 10 KiDS! SOME OTHER ViDEOS WE THiNK YOU MiGHT LiKE: @JUSTKASS • Sneaking My LiTTLE SiSTERS OUT of SCH... Sneaking My LiTTLE SiSTERS OUT of SCHOOL GONE WRONG @jordanmatter • My Daughter Surprises BEST FRIEND For... My Daughter Surprises BEST FRIEND For His Birthday Emotional @DharMann • FAMILY With 17 KIDS FIGHT For Attenti... FAMILY JUDGED For Having TOO MANY KIDS Ft. Not Enough Nelsons | Dhar Mann Studios @royaltyfam • I Built a SECRET Soccer Field in My Room I Built a SECRET Soccer Field in My Room @NotEnoughNelsons • SiBLiNG GIFT EXCHANGE w/ 16 KiDS 2024... SiBLiNG GIFT EXCHANGE w/ 16 KiDS 2024!!! 🎁 🎄 WATCH MORE: @NotEnoughNelsons @nenfam @JUSTKASS @KennaDeeKay @TreyTriesThings @TreyIzzy @ZionWhiteBison #inrealife #homealone #christmas2024 Welcome to The NEN FAM! We Post a NEW video every SATURDAY! You can also follow our VLOG Channel called Not Enough Nelsons! We are a big family of 18! We always get asked if they are all ours!!? 7 are biological and 9 are adopted! SO YES!! THEY ARE ALL OURS!! We sure love each one of our 16 kiddos! We hope you enjoy our videos! We have had a blast filming them! (except for the occasional meltdowns) Follow along with our crazy family challenges! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE FUN VIDEOS! MOM- Tiffany DAD- Benji OUR KIDS: Kenn- 27 yrs old Kass- 25 yrs old Bridger- 25 yrs old JourNee- 25 yrs old Trey- 24 yrs old Jaine- 22 yrs old LiLee- 18 yrs old SaiDee- 17 yrs old NayVee- 16 yrs old Luke- 15 yrs old PaisLee- 13 yrs old DeLayNee- 13 yrs old PresLee- 11 yrs old ElleCee- 11 yrs old Beckham- 9 yrs old Ledger- 5 yrs old Music: Epidemic, final cut pro free music, youtube audio free music, Artlist.io, Bensound, ZapsplatCategoryEntertainment For collaboration inquiries email us at [email protected] This channel and all of its videos are not “directed to children” within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. § 312.2 and are not intended for children under 13 years of age. (NEN FAM) and its owner(s), agents, representatives, and employees (hereinafter, “CHANNEL”) do not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly deny permission to any third party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of CHANNEL. Further, CHANNEL denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of YouTube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third party, regarding data collection.