Positive Affirmations WHILE SLEEPING! LAW OF ATTRACTION To MANIFEST Health, Wealth & Happiness FAST!
Positive Affirmations WHILE SLEEPING! LAW OF ATTRACTION To MANIFEST Health, Wealth & Happiness FAST! I AM - Law Of Attraction Affirmations | Powerful Subconscious Reprogramming 8Hrs REPROGRAM YOUR MIND and change your beliefs WHILE YOU SLEEP! Use the LAW OF ATTRACTION with Positive Affirmations for Manifesting Health, Wealth and Happiness. 432Hz. "I AM' Affirmations with super RELAXING SLEEP MUSIC 432 Hz and 383Hz BINAURAL BEATS. #lawofattraction #positiveaffirmations #affirmationswhilesleeping #guidedsleepmeditation #jessshepherd The words 'I AM" have potent and reality-changing frequencies. Whatever words, feelings or intentions you put after I AM will create your reality. You have been doing it your whole life. It is time to take control of subconscious programming and consciously align yourself with manifesting a life of health, wealth, and happiness. The calm sleep music will ensure your deep sleep and the gentle 'I Am' affirmations will change your beliefs from the inside out. Deep Sleep Music, Calm Sleep Music, Powerful I AM affirmations. Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax, breathe deeply and allow these words to become your own. How Can Guided Meditation help you? ** Guided meditations are designed to bring you into a still and peaceful space, a relaxed but aware state where you are in sync with all you want to attract into your life. ***PLEASE do not listen to these tracks while operating machinery or driving. They are best used with headphones, and sitting or lying in a comfortable, quiet place where you will not be disturbed. ***This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counseling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. We love creating guided meditations, affirmations, and music, so please subscribe and share if you enjoy them. Your support is greatly appreciated. #positiveaffirmations #meditation #sleepaffirmations 7Hrs Change your Beliefs and PAST CONDITIONING around MONEY, create PROSPERITY and WEALTH while you SLEEP! POWERFUL 'I AM' affirmations with calm and deeply relaxing sleep music. #meditation #sleepaffirmations #positiveaffirmations How Can Guided Meditation help you? ** Guided meditations are designed to bring you into a still and peaceful space, a relaxed but aware state where you are in sync with all that you want to attract into your life. ***PLEASE do not listen to these tracks while operating machinery or driving. They are best used with headphones, and sitting or lying in a comfortable, quiet place where you will not be disturbed. ***This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counseling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. We love creating guided meditations, affirmation and music so please subscribe and share if you enjoy them. If you are new to meditation we recommend you listen to a Relaxation or Beginners meditation first to get into a relaxed meditative state. "I AM", I AM affirmations, WEALTH, PROSPERITY, ABUNDANCE, MONEY, MANIFESTATION, LAW OF ATTRACTION, CHANGE SUBCONSCIOUSAFFIRMATIONS, FEAR, DOUBT, WORRY, ANXIETY, NERVOUSNESS, CONFUSION, DEPRESSION, INSOMNIA SLEEP MUSIC, SLEEP EASY, RELAXING MUSIC FOR SLEEP, AFFIRMATION FOR SUBCONSCIOUS POSITIVE PROGRAMING, HEALING, LAW OF ATTRACTION, FOCUS, INTEND, MEDITATION, GUIDED MEDITATION, POSITIVE ENERGY, RAISING VIBRATION, RAISING FREQUENCY, MEDITATION, TRUST, INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, GUIDANCE, SUPPORT, LAW OF ATTRACTION, FRIENDLY UNIVERSE, FLOW, PRESENCE, BLESSED, ENERGY, ATTRACTING ABUNDANCE.