Serum B2M Test in hindi | Serum Beta-2 Microglobulin Test in hindi | Symptoms, Normal Range & Price

Serum B2M Test in hindi | Serum Beta-2 Microglobulin Test in hindi | Symptoms, Normal Range & Price

Hello friends welcome to my channel, My name is Akash Prajapati, Today's topic is B2M Test (Serum Beta-2 Microglobulin Test). What is a beta-2 microglobulin (B2M) test? Beta-2 microglobulin is a protein found on most cells in the body. It is constantly secreted into the blood in some amount, although it is secreted most by beta lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). Therefore, B2M levels increase when the immune system is active or when there is a disease that causes increased production and damage of cells. B2M levels are also seen to be high in people who suffer from cancer such as multiple myeloma and lymphoma. Apart from this, B2M levels can also be seen high in people suffering from some inflammatory disorders and HIV. This test detects the level of beta 2 microglobulin in serum. The remaining part left after separating red blood cells from the blood is called serum. This helps to know about cancer or tumor. When blood is filtered by the kidneys, most of the B2M is removed by the kidneys' filtered glomerular membrane, but some remains in the renal tubules (the part of the kidney that reabsorbs water and nutrients). Normally only a small amount of B2M is excreted in the urine. This is why this test helps to know about kidney function. Why is the B2M test done? Doctors may recommend a B2M test as a follow-up test for people who have recently been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. This test helps to determine the stage of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. Your doctor may recommend a B2M test along with a urine test if you have the following symptoms of kidney damage: Protein in the urine Nausea Fatigue Weakness Blood in the urine Foamy or brown urine Swelling around the eyes, face, ankles or wrists Since high levels of beta2 microglobulin indicate damage to the renal tubes, these two tests together help locate the exact site of damage. Golden Blood Group in hindi -    • Golden Blood Group in hindi | RH Null...   Calcitonin test in hindi -    • Calcitonin Test Explain in hindi? | F...   Serum IRON Test in hindi -    • IRON Test in hindi | Serum Iron Sympt...   DISCLAIMER - The information shown in this video have been made on the advice of the internet, books, doctors and my experience before using any of that topic mentioned in this video please do not take any treatment and test without consulting your doctor. This video made only knowledge and information, Please if you have any problem, first of all consult a doctor, only then get your problem treated and checked, Wishing you a good health, fitness and happiness. ................. Thanks for watching this video.......................