KOREAN BBQ SALAD DRESSING RECIPE | 고기집 상추겉절이 | 상추겉절이 만능소스 |

KOREAN BBQ SALAD DRESSING RECIPE | 고기집 상추겉절이 | 상추겉절이 만능소스 |

This is one of the easiest and tastiest recipes you will find for Korean BBQ Salad! It's something you have to have for the perfect at home KBBQ feast! It's not even really Korean BBQ if you don't have that crunchy salad with your meat!~ Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe and click the “like” button if you like what you see! And leave us a comment about other foods you want to see We have a ton of videos coming your way! Things you need! MATERIALS: cutting board 도마 knife 칼 bowls 그릇 blender 믹서기 bottle or jar 소스병 measuring cups & spoons 계량컵 & 스푼 FOOD: onion 양파 peeled apple 껍질깐 사과 garlic or garlic powder 마늘 또는 마늘가루 ginger or ginger powder 생강 또는 생강가루 sugar or splenda(sweetener) 설탕 또는 무가당설탕 red chili pepper or paprika powder 고추가루 또는 파프리카가루 soy sauce 간장 vinegar 식초 fish sauce or substitute salt and water 액젓 또는 소금과 물로 대체가능 water 물 romaine or lettuce 상추 green onion 파 sesame oil 참기름 sesame seeds 통깨 Green onion cutter; Fish sauce; Follow Nan! Instagram: @nanthehousechef #koreanbbqsaladdressing #koreanbbqsaladrecipe #고기집상추겉절이