Saffron & Butter Cookies Recipe |3 Ingredients Biscuits In Airfryer @shazishazilmemories.Recipe
Saffron & Butter Cookies Recipe |3 Ingredients Biscuits In Airfryer @shazishazilmemories.Recipe #airfryercooking #nankhataibiscuit #nankhatairecipewithoutoven #nankhatairecipe #karachibiscuitsrecipe #cookiesrecipe #biscuitsrecipe #buttercookies #buttercookiesrecipe #karachibiscuits #recipe #bakingrecipes #dessertrecipe #airfryerrecipes #airfryer #biscuitswithoutoven #cookiesinairfryer #biscuitsinairfryer #easybiscuitrecipe #shazishazilmemoriserecipe Hello everyone welcome to my channel today recipe video is Saffron & butter biscuits recipe or cookies recipe and you can add tutti frutti also you can change according to your taste this cookie recipe is very less ingredients and less time baking recipe this cookie recipe no need oven you can easily bake in kadhi or air fryer for this biscuits no need oven and don’t buy from outside bakery if you are cookie lover then this recipe is best for you you can easily bake at home with less ingredients and less time no need any fancy ingredients for this you can find all the ingredients at your Indian kitchen only do try this easy and crunchy biscuit or cookie recipe at home and let me know in comments below 👇 I will love ❤️ to read your comment and if you are new then please subscribe my channel and don’t forget to like 👍 the video and do share my videos with your friends and family ok bye 👋 see you soon 🔜 Your queries- How to cook airfryer cookies at home How to make cookies recipe Cookie recipe at home Homemade cookies or biscuits recipes Homemade nankhatai recipes Airfryer recipes Biscuits recipe in airfryer Cookie recipe in airfryer Nankhatai recipe in airfryer Nankhatai recipes in Kadai No oven cookies recipe No bake recipe Nankhatai recipe without oven Air fryer cookies recipe Indian airfryer recipes Airfryer Air fryer cookies Cookies in the airfryer naan khatai in air fryer Naan khatai recipe made in airfryer Air fryer dessert recipe Easy cookies recipe Easy dessert recipe Thank you for watching bye 👋 ALLAHHAFIZ Target=1 lakh Subscriber’s ✅❤️ Please support to achieve my target❤️😄 Assallamwalekum everyone 🙏welcome to @shazi&shazilmemorieschannel.recipes This is Ruksar bano mom of Shazi&Shazil we are from India 🇮🇳but currently I m living in Tanzania 🇹🇿 Daresalam East Africa… In this channel you can watch about my kids memories and some Recipes in My ways.. If you like my videos please do subscribe✅/like👍/ share/ Comment on my channel Instagram= 🔗- https://www.instagram.com/banoanam201... Facebook =🔗 https://www.facebook.com/banoanam2014... Thank you for watching ALLAHAFIZ