Bipolar Disorder: क्या यह सिर्फ Mood Swings है? जानिए Symptoms & Treatment!

Bipolar Disorder: क्या यह सिर्फ Mood Swings है? जानिए Symptoms & Treatment!

"Bipolar Disorder – एक serious mental health condition है जिसमें extreme mood swings होते हैं, कभी बहुत ज्यादा energy (Mania) और कभी extreme sadness (Depression). इस वीडियो में हम Bipolar Disorder के Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis और Treatment के बारे में detail में बात करेंगे।" 📌 What You Will Learn in This Video? ✅ What is Bipolar Disorder? ✅ Symptoms of Mania & Depression ✅ Causes & Risk Factors ✅ Diagnosis & Treatment Options ✅ Myths vs. Facts 📢 If you found this video helpful, don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to Siddhant Nursing Classes! 🚀 🔔 Turn on the notification bell for more medical & psychology-related videos! #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealth #Psychology #BipolarSymptoms #MentalHealthAwareness #Depression #Mania #BipolarTreatment #Psychiatry #MentalHealthMatters