Live Mass broadcast by the Heralds of the Gospel – Sunday, 14 November 2021

Live Mass broadcast by the Heralds of the Gospel – Sunday, 14 November 2021

Live Mass broadcast by the Heralds of the Gospel – Sunday, 14 November 2021 Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Timothy Ring, EP Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Salve Maria! Please join us live on YouTube as we broadcast daily Mass. Don't forget to send your comments, intentions, share with others. .04:00 HST - Hawaii Islands .06:00 AKDT - Alaska .07:00 PDT - California, Vancouver BC .08:00 MDT - Denver, Salt Lake City & Calgary .08:00 CST - Guatemala .09:00 CDT - Houston .10:00 EDT - Miami, New York, Toronto, Paraguay .11:00 ADT - Nova Scotia .11:00 BRT - Brazil .15:00 BST - England .15:00 WAT - Nigeria .16:00 CEST - Italy .16:00 CAT - Mozambique .16:00 SAST - Johannesburg .17:00 EAT - Kenya, Kuwait .18:00 GST - Dubai .19:00 PKT - Pakistan .19:30 IST - India, Sri Lanka .22:00 PHT - Philippines .22:00 SGT - Singapore .22:00 CST - Taiwan .22:00 KUL - Malaysia .22:00 AWST - Perth .23:00 JST - Tokyo .23:30 ACST - Adelaide .02:00 NZST - Wellington Follow Heralds of the Gospel on YouTube: YouTube/heraldsoftheGospel Follow Heralds of the Gospel on Facebook: heraldsusa Follow Heralds of the Gospel on Instagram: heraldsusa Please share this message with your family, friends and fellow contacts. #heralds #heraldsofthegospel #heraldsusa #palmsunday #heraldosusa #livemass #catholichurch #religioncatholic #spirituality #devotioncatholic #catholicdevotion #faithfulness #piety #worship #catholicworship #adoration #devoutness #holiness #piousness #dailylivemass #livemassdaily #arautosdoevangelho #heraldsofthegospel #heraldosdelevangelio #AraldidelVangelo #catholichurch #prayer