2024.12.15 NT27, Revelation 12:1-6, Pastor Jeff Martin, 12/15/24

2024.12.15 NT27, Revelation 12:1-6, Pastor Jeff Martin, 12/15/24

Weekly Announcements - Holiday Schedule ** Sunday December 15th 10AM. Revelation 12:1-6 - Pastor Jeff Martin ** Tuesday December 17th 7PM. Pastor Dan Hayes ** Sunday December 22nd 10AM. Christmas Service ** Tuesday December 24th. Christmas Eve - No Service ** Wednesday, December 25th. Christmas Day - No Service ** Offerings. Please take advantage of the tithe envelopes at your seat. Bless the Lord with thanksgiving during as part of your worship! An offering box is at the last row. Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests: ** Text (585) 250-8900 / YouTube Chat / Facebook Cat ** Praise and Thanksgiving: * What are you thankful for this week? ** Updates? Any updates to those mentioned below, please share with us. ** Church Family: * Comfort for Cassandra and family - Jackie is home with the Lord * Faye - (Ptr Dan sister) - recovery from back surgery * Joe Rosmarino (Philippines) has Alzheimers and family needs strength, wisdom and patience to deal with his changes. * Theresa F - Asthma and new job * Fran - healing from brain seizures * Clair - Kidney and Heart healing * Cathy - Health * Faye’s niece - dialysis problems * Carlie (Jamie’s friend) - neck problems - pray for Dr’s wisdom * Adam - (Cassandra) - health concerns * Pat - Health * Lani (Jamie’s cousin) - health issues * Nancy's family * Pastor Dan’s nephews, Jonah, Tony * ** Cancer : * Colleen H * Deb * Candy * George * Sue S * Jan * Ken ** City, nation and world: * Christians in Syria - Government has fallen, Christians under the control of Islamic jihadist groups (Brenda G) * Israel, Palestine, Lebanon * Ukraine * Federal and Local Governments * Police, firefighters and 1st responders - Andy, AlexaRae, Sam, Chris, Brett (Lisa’s cousin), Rick (Trudy’s son), Cory (Kimmy’s son) * Rochester’s Major Crimes Unit * City homicides, shootings, Crime ** Family, Friends, Others: * Salvation (Mike S, Chris G, Sam). Prodigals. Christian fellowship. Marriages. ** Petra: For God’s blessing, direction and provision ** Missions: * Brenda G - serving in Israel * Janice & Deb at the Women’s Jail Ministry and the Norris Clinic * Patrick & Shari Bailey (PH ) www.servministries.com Patrick & Shari in Mindanao * Rochester Adult and Teen Challenge * The Father’s Heart & Redeeming Love Ministry (Russ & Anne) * Joe & Billie Rosmarino & family of 150+, (PH) * Agents For Christ - Pastor Bill James and family - Uganda Kids Project ** Fellowship Churches and Pastors, their families and ministries: Calvary Chapel churches: CC Riverside in Michigan - Pastor Tom & Tonya * CC Maningcao in the Philippines (Pastor Jies and Genalyn) church needs repairs * CC Seneca Falls - Pastor Ray Torrey and Kathy * CC Berean’s Heart in Mindanao, Philippines - Ptr Eduard & Wendyl Tithes: ** Check or Cash: Use PETRA’s offering box ** Electronic: Click “Donate” at https://www.petra-roc.com OR download and install the Tithe.ly Mobile Apps for iOS or Android.