4/2/2023 Palm Sunday Worship - St. John UCC Indianapolis
April 2, 2023 Sunday morning Worship Service of St John UCC Indianapolis Happy Palm Sunday Everyone! Welcome to the beginning of Holy Week. Our scripture reading today is Matthew 21 : 1-11 Our hymns today are "All Glory, Laud and Honor", "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna" & "Ride On, Ride On, O Savior King" We are located on the Eastside of Indianapolis at the corner of Prospect St and Carroll Rd. Our address is 11910 E. Prospect St. Indianapolis, IN 46235. We are a member of the United Church of Christ denomination. The UCC is considered part of the "Mainline" Protestant tradition within the US. Our denomination has roots in the Reformed and Congregational movements of Protestant Christianity. We worship every Sunday morning at 10 eastern time. We have Sunday school devotions every Sunday morning at 9 eastern time. If you would like to contact us for any reason, we can be reached by email at [email protected] or [email protected] (The below is a list of keywords to help the YouTube search algorithm, please free free to ignore the below) #Worship, #Church, #StJohn, #UCC, #Christian, #Sermon, #Sundayworship, #Indianapolis, #EastsideIndianapolis