Indigenous Canada - The Truth of History Explained
Indigenous Canada - The Truth of History Explained 🦅 W H A T I S Y O U R S P I R I T A N I M A L ? / / ➡️ https://tribaltradeco.com/pages/spiri... If you want to know the truth of Canada’s history, then you have come to the right place. But, before we get into it… why was the truth covered up in the first place? Indigenous people have always known Canada’s history… but many Canadians have never heard the stories or learned about the challenges that have faced Indigenous communities throughout history. The reason the truth is often avoided in Canadian history is because it’s often dark and complicated. But, now, since more information is coming out about the true history of oppression in Canada, more people are interested in learning the truth of Canada’s history. #Indigenouscnada #Indigenoushistory #nativehistory ⌚ T I M E S T A M P / / 0:00 - Intro 0:32 - Why was the Truth Covered up? 2:04 - 8 Key Moments in the HISTORY for Indigenous Canada 2:19 - The Indian Act Of 1876 3:16 - The Creation of Residential Schools in 1884 4:08 - Residential Schools Becoming Mandatory in 1920 4:47 - The Residential School Network Expansion in 1930 5:32 - The Sixties Scoop 6:05 - The Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement in 2007 7:04 - The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015 7:45 - The Uncovering of Graves in 2021 8:51 - Were you taught about Residential Schools? 9:24 - Outro 🔥 J O I N S M U D G E C I R C L E ➡️ https://tribaltradeco.com/pages/smudg... 🦅 W H A T I S Y O U R S P I R I T A N I M A L ? / / ➡️ https://tribaltradeco.com/pages/spiri... For more information on the sacred medicines and medicinal smudging ➡️ 🔥 S A C R E D M E D I C I N E S & S M U D G I N G G U I D E / / ➡️ https://tribaltradeco.com/smudging-guide 🎥 C H E C K O U T T H E S E V I D E O S / / SWEETGRASS SMUDGING 🌿(Why & How to Smudge with Sweet Grass) • SWEETGRASS SMUDGING 🌿(Why & How to Sm... Benefits of Smudging with Sage 🔥(5 Scientific Reasons to SMUDGE with Sage!) • Benefits of Smudging with Sage 🔥(5 Sc... Where to Hang Dream Catcher (10 Places to Hang Your Dreamcatcher) • Where to Hang Dream Catcher (10 Place... ⭐️ F E A T U R E D P R O D U C T S / / SMUDGE KIT https://tribaltradeco.com/products/sm... SAGE LARGE (8-9”) https://tribaltradeco.com/collections... MINI SAGE SMALL https://tribaltradeco.com/collections... SWEETGRASS BRAID https://tribaltradeco.com/collections... 🏹 A B O U T T R I B A L T R A D E / / Our indigenous lifestyle products including moccasins in Canada can be found by visiting Tribal Trade Co in Curve Lake First Nation or ordered online at tribaltradeco.com. TribalTradeCo.com is a native-owned business offering moccasins, mukluks, accessories, native gifts, and medicinal smudging products. 🤗 C O N N E C T W I T H U S O N S O C I A L / / Instagram: / tribaltradeco Facebook: / tribaltradeco