Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Main Mission - Bad Guys On The Block Walkthrough Ultimate Difficulty 4k 60fps
For the complete playlist click the link below 👇    • Spider-Man 2 Walkthrough Ultimate Dif...  Mission details Location: Chinatown Rewards: 2000 XP Hunter Blinds Hunter Bases Bad Guys On The Block is the eighth main mission of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, taking place in Chinatown. Peter Parker receives intel from Miles Morales on the possible location of Scorpion and Martin Li after they were captured by the Hunters led by Kraven the Hunter. Story: Peter Parker offered to investigate the area himself, instructing Miles Morales to take a break and focus on his college acceptance essay. Peter arrives at Williamsburg Bridge, but sees no sign of the Hunters anywhere. Peter contacts Miles and informs him, and Miles wonders if their intel was off. Peter witnesses a civilian littering as they drive on the bridge. Peter tries to catch the trash with his webs, but watches the trash get extinguished by some invisible force. Peter gets closer and realizes there's an invisible forcefield and he jumps through, discovering a hidden Hunter base. After defeating the Hunters, Peter finds a laptop and activates one of the bird-like drones, which sends Peter on a chase around the city as it is programmed to return to its base. Peter arrives at the top of a tall building, discovering another hidden Hunter base inside another invisible barrier. After Peter defeats the Hunters there, he activates another drone, which reveals another Hunter base that Peter makes his way to. Peter sends the location to MJ, who does some digging and reveals it is an old, abandoned food market. The buyer gaining access to this property is apparently acquiring property all over the city, and MJ notes the initial property owners had vanished without a trace. Peter begins to infiltrate the base stealthily in order to acquire answers, as well as to hunt down Scorpion and Li. Peter informs MJ that they are dealing with international mercenaries, which could be great material for MJ's article. She is also informed that Peter accepted Harry's offer and they will celebrate later. After taking out several more Hunters, Peter accesses another computer which reveals other invisible forcefields, called "Blinds", scattered all over New York City, sending the intel to Ganke Lee so he can help pinpoint their locations. Peter goes further into the base, wondering what Kraven is hunting and defeating more groups of Hunters. Peter comes across a research lab, which has a framed picture of Martin Li and F.E.A.S.T., an Inner Demon mask, some dials of Scorpion's hallucinogens, and a rare flower called the "Tiare Apetahi" which can produce an extract with powerful medicinal properties. He also spots a crossbow aiming at a piece of chest armor that resembles Scorpion's, which remained undamaged after Peter fired the crossbow at it. Peter finds a secret passageway behind the chest armor, which leads him to a room full of more Hunters. The terminal located in this room revealed that Black Cat is also a target of Kraven's. Before Peter can investigate further, he is suddenly attacked by a metal animal resembling a dog, which sends him crashing to a floor below with more metal dogs. Peter takes them down and returns to the terminal, wondering why Kraven is assembling Scorpion, Martin Li and Black Cat. In a secluded location, Kraven confronts Scorpion, who attempts to ambush him from underground. Scorpion stabs him with his tail, but is surprised to see Kraven seemingly unaffected by his toxin. Unimpressed, Kraven easily subdues Scorpion and rips off the tip of his tail, expressing his disappointment as he fatally stabs Scorpion with his own severed tail. Peter learns that Kraven is not targeting these villains to team up with them; they're his prey. He begins to grow concerned for Felicia. Meanwhile, at Miles's apartment, he starts wondering where Martin Li could be, but Rio Morales storms into his room and asks if he's ready to meet her date. Suddenly, Miles gets a text from Peter telling him to suit up ASAP. Miles apologizes to his mother and leaves, and Rio notices Miles's cracked laptop on a news website showing a headline of Martin Li being at large. Rio begins to grow concerned for her son.