2021 has been insanely awesome so far, and also full of unexpected peaks and valleys for us. We both overcame a lot, mentally and physically, to get where we are now: Successful entrepreneurs, content creators, and most recently, PRO bodybuilders! Now, it’s time for the #NextLevel. This week's episode is brought to you by the letters F-O-O-D. With Jaime being in Toronto (for her mom's chemo treatment) and Katie staying in Tampa to hold down the fort, we decided to make it all about FOOOOOOOD. We each share with you a full day of eating, apologies for Jaime's poor filming skills, Katie's meal prep, and as a fun surprise at the end... AN ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT OUR NEW COLLABORATION! We teamed up with one of our favorite brands and some of our favorite people, and can't wait to bring you the detail Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, and COMMENT! Tell us what you like, what you don't like, what you want to see more of. We are here for you, and can only show you the content you want if you ask for it. Let's get right into it! It’s time for the #NextLevel - You can do hard things xo TeamWifeLife Links: Jaime’s IG: @jaim91 Katie’s IG: @_katiefiler Work with Jaime if you’re interested in overcoming anxiety and improving self confidence through fitness: https://www.JaimeFiler.com You can support us / our work by buying these products with our link! You know we only recommend what we personally use and trust. Cured nutrition CBD: https://www.curednutrition.com/ CODE: KATIE Muscle Egg: https://www.muscleegg.com/jaim91 1stPhorm protein: https://bit.ly/LEVEL1protein