Worship, Sunday, December 10, 2023: 2nd Sunday of Advent, "Share the Warmth Service" CCLI #11149131

Worship, Sunday, December 10, 2023: 2nd Sunday of Advent, "Share the Warmth Service" CCLI #11149131

A Worship Bulletin for this service is available on our church website at www.emmanuelumchurch.org or at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MxTg... Hymn and Service Information: Today’s hymns are from The United Methodist Hymnal (Nashville: The United Methodist Publishing House) 1989 or The Faith We Sing (Nashville: Abingdon Press) 2000 as indicated. Some service elements taken from The United Methodist Book of Worship (Nashville: The United Methodist Publishing House) 1992. Edited by YouCut:https://youcutapp.page.link/BestEditor