(Simulated Rebroadcast)-November 25, 2021 - Imani Thanksgiving Day Worship Service!
(Simulated Rebroadcast)-November 25, 2021 - Imani Thanksgiving Day Worship Service! Join us "Live in the Sanctuary!" 34560 Calle Arnaz Road Temecula California, 92059 (951) 302-1225 www.imanicogic.com If our Livestreams have been a blessing to you, and you would like to make a donation to support our Livestream Ministry and acquisition of advanced equipment, Please click the button or link; or copy and paste the link below to donate today! https://app.sharefaith.com/App/Form/f... Every donation is appreciated! Music License Number: #3497546 "We do not own the right to this music"