डेयरी की कमाई और खर्चे का पूरा गणित | 10 cow dairy farm income | dairy farming business plan #dairy

डेयरी की कमाई और खर्चे का पूरा गणित | 10 cow dairy farm income | dairy farming business plan #dairy

#dairyfarming #dairyfarm #dairyprofit #abcindia ​ ‪@ABCINDIA-AmitBhobhia‬ Calculating the budget, expenses, and potential profit for a dairy farm business in India can be a complex process and highly dependent on various factors, including the scale of the operation, location, breed of cattle, and market conditions. Here, I'll provide a simplified example of a small to medium-sized dairy farm to give you an idea of the calculations involved. 1. Initial Investment: Purchase of Dairy Cattle (e.g., 10 cows): ₹5,00,000 Construction of Cowshed and Infrastructure: ₹3,00,000 Equipment and Machinery (milking machines, chaff cutter, etc.): ₹2,00,000 Total Initial Investment: ₹10,00,000 2. Annual Expenses: Feed and Fodder: ₹3,00,000 Veterinary Care and Medicines: ₹50,000 Labor Costs: ₹1,50,000 Electricity and Water: ₹30,000 Miscellaneous Expenses: ₹50,000 Total Annual Expenses: ₹5,80,000 3. Revenue: Milk Production per Cow per Year (e.g., 10 liters per day x 300 days): 3,000 liters Milk Price (average ₹40 per liter): ₹1,20,000 Total Annual Revenue (for 10 cows): ₹12,00,000 4. Profit Calculation: Profit = Total Annual Revenue - Total Annual Expenses Profit = ₹12,00,000 - ₹5,80,000 Profit = ₹6,20,000 5. Return on Investment (ROI): ROI = (Profit / Initial Investment) x 100 ROI = (₹6,20,000 / ₹10,00,000) x 100 ROI = 62% Please note that these figures are approximate and can vary significantly based on various factors. Dairy farming profitability can be influenced by milk prices, cattle health, feed quality, and market demand for dairy products. Additionally, it's crucial to consider other aspects like marketing, dairy product processing, and expansion plans for a more comprehensive business strategy. Before starting a dairy farm business, it's advisable to conduct a thorough feasibility study and consult with experts in the field to create a detailed business plan tailored to your specific circumstances. Additionally, you should stay updated on market trends and government policies related to dairy farming in India, as they can impact your business's success. यह चैनल आधुनिक दुनिया में होने वाली नए तरीक़े की खेती के बारे में किसान भाइयों को जागरूक करता है, ताकि वे भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार की खेती करने का प्रयास करें और कृषि की दुनिया में कामयाबी हासिल करें । हमारा दर्शकों से अनुरोध है की हमारे Video के माध्याम से आपको केवल संबधित विष्य के बारे में सामान्य ज्ञान मिलेगा, ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए आप उस किसान से मिलने का प्रयास जरूर करें, जो पहले से इसकी खेती कर रहा हो । यह चैनल AMIT BHOBHIA BROADCASTING COMPANY के अंतर्गत आता है । यह कंपनी ABC INDIA, ABC Market , Amit Bhobhia Vlogs और ABC Fitness series नाम के चार चैनल चलाती है । आप अपनी सभी समस्याएं हमे कमेंट बाक्स के माध्यम से भेज सकते है । हम है आपकी आवाज , अपनी आवाज को SUBSCRIBE करें। Performed By :- Amit Bhobhia insta. :- https://www.instagram.com/bhobhiaamit... video link :-    • डेयरी की कमाई और खर्चे का पूरा गणित |...   follow Artist twitter:- Check out Amit Bhobhia (@AmitBhobhia): https://twitter.com/AmitBhobhia?s=08 facebook:-   / abcindia28   Don't forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to this channel #DairyFarming #CowDairy #FarmLife #MilkProduction #DairyCattle #CowCalculation #FarmEconomics #Agriculture #SustainableFarming #CowHealth #MilkingProcess #DairyManagement #LivestockCare #DairyBusiness #Profitability #CowCare #FarmBudgeting #MilkYield #DairyIndustry #Agronomics #CattleFarm #DairyEquipment #DairyInvestment #DairyEducation #Agribusiness #AnimalHealth #DairyFarmSuccess #CowNutrition #DairyHusbandry #RuralLife