15 Podcasts for Korean Learners (Free)
I highlight my top 15 podcasts and listening resources for Korean learners. The prerequisites for this list were as follows: resource must have at least one video uploaded within the past 90 days, be free and available on YouTube, include subtitles and/or transcripts, and be targeted at Korean learners. You can find links to all of the resources I mentioned below. Please consider supporting me on my Patreon page: / gobillykorean Please consider becoming a Member for extra perks: / @gobillykorean “Narae Korean Podcast” / @naraekoreanpodcast “Didi's Korean Culture Podcast” / @didikoreanpodcast “한국어는아일린” / @koreanwitheilleen “한국어 한 조각 A Piece Of Korean” / @apieceofkorean “Crystal Kim, Korean Diary” / @prof.crystalkim “케이진 KJin” / @케이진kjin “김꼽슬 Korean Podcast” / @curlykim24 “토토의 Korean Podcast” / @totokoreanpodcast “최수수 ChoiSusu” / @choisusu “Korean Eldo” / @koreaneldo “몰입한국어 Immersion in Korean” / @morip.korean “All Things Korean Podcast” / @allthingskoreanpodcast “타요니 TAYONI” / @tayoni “Study Korean with Sol” / @studykoreanwithsol “Inspiring Korean Podcast, Gachi” / @mimimimimst 00:00 Intro 01:21 “Narae Korean Podcast” 01:59 “Didi's Korean Culture Podcast” 03:06 “한국어는아일린” 04:10 “한국어 한 조각 A Piece Of Korean” 05:11 “Crystal Kim, Korean Diary” 05:57 “케이진 KJin” 06:48 “김꼽슬 Korean Podcast” 07:38 “토토의 Korean Podcast” 08:18 “최수수 ChoiSusu” 09:20 “Korean Eldo” 10:13 “몰입한국어 Immersion in Korean” 11:03 “All Things Korean Podcast” 12:00 “타요니 TAYONI” 12:51 “Study Korean with Sol” 13:49 “Inspiring Korean Podcast, Gachi” 14:53 Conclusion Want to start learning Korean? Check out my book, "Korean Made Simple" on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2bDBi6h (affiliate) New merch is now available! https://teespring.com/stores/gobillyk... Learn Korean with GoBillyKorean! Subscribe for weekly videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/gobillyk... Music by Kevin MacLeod: "Beachfront Celebration," “MJS Strings,” and “Brightly Fancy.” (http://incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...)