Sunday Celebration, 12/18/22: "Voices From Bethlehem"
Video from our service on December 18, 2022. The centerpiece of this service is a brand-new Christmas pageant, "Voices From Bethlehem." This pageant has been put together from the contributions of many members of our church, each imagining scenes of the Christmas story from the perspective of various characters (human, animal, and other). We thank all the contributors, and we hope you all enjoy this creative offering. Music info: "O Come O Come Emmanuel" (new words: Rev. Nancy Rosas & Eric McEuen): music traditional; lyrics used by permission. "The Gift of Love" (w: Hal Hopson; m: traditional): permission to stream obtained from OneLicense with license A-718418. "Come, Thou Unexpected Jesus" (w: Allyson Sawtell; m: C.F. Witt): lyrics used by permission. "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (P. Brooks, alt.): public domain. "Angels We Have Heard On High": traditional; public domain. "Do You Hear What I Hear?" (Noel Regney/Gloria Shayne, 1962): permission to stream obtained via Christian Copyright Solutions WorshipCast License #13004. “Jesus, Our Brother, Strong and Good”: public domain. "We Three Kings": public domain. "O Come, All Ye Faithful": public domain. "Joy to the World": public domain. "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing": public domain.