December 17, 2023 – The Carols of Christmas : O Holy Night – Oak Hills Church (Eagan, Minnesota)

December 17, 2023 – The Carols of Christmas : O Holy Night – Oak Hills Church (Eagan, Minnesota)

This Christmas season we’ll take a look at the background and Christian meaning of some very familiar Christmas carols, helping us to go deeper into our own understanding of the amazing Christmas story, and how the carols reflect our Savior’s birth. This week we see how Jesus truly taught us to love one another. SCRIPTURE Luke 2: 10-11 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. The writer of O Holy Night wrote, “Truly He taught us to love one another.” As a Christian, what does that verse mean to you? 2. In this Christmas carol, who do you believe are the faithful? 3. This week how can you be faithful to behold Him? GET MORE FROM OHC Start Here: Events & Calendar: Give: Prayer: