Before missed period white discharge in tamil/ ovulation signs/Nila's pregnancy tips/#missedperiod

Before missed period white discharge in tamil/ ovulation signs/Nila's pregnancy tips/#missedperiod

in this video I am explaining about what are the signs and sypmtoms happens after releasing of ovum, watery white discharge and milky consistency after ovulation if not happens ovulation there is no discharge average 2 to 3 pads in 24 hours...for more information kindly watch the below video link given and kindly watch Nila's pregnancy tips.... #missedperiod #signsandsymptoms #ovulation #infertility #ovulationtips #ovulation_symptoms #ovulationday #ovulationcalculator #ovulationtips    • pregnancy tips in tamil/after ovulati...      • Pregnancy tips in tamil/after ovulati...      • Difference Between PCOD vs PCOS in ta...