DOLLAR TREE HAUL | HAPPY NEW YEAR IT'S A BOY I'm so happy we are all here together ! We've got quite a Large Dollar Tree Haul to share today. My Haul today contains all new Dollar Tree Finds today. Even Brand Name finds at the Dollar Tree. Christmas is out now at the Dollar Tree. You may just want to watch this before you shop at the Dollar Tree ! The Dollar Tree is my favorite Dollar Store and my Favorite place to shop and yes I confess I have a Dollar Tree Addiction. #dollartree #dollartreehaul #achickplus3 #dollartreefinds Thank you for all the support and love. Your prayers, kind words and friendship are the BEST thing about YouTube. You guys are the reason why I keep getting out there! xoxo Shelby & the little dogs too WATCH MORE DOLLAR TREE CONTENT HERE: • DOLLAR TREE HAUL | NO ONE SHOWED THIS ! PLEASE COME CHECK OUT MY LATEST DOLLAR TREE VIDEOS..I got some great BARGAINS and I want to show you what I got at the Dollar Tree. So many Brand New Dollar Tree Finds that I am amazed that you can get all this at the Dollar Tree. They feature Dollar Tree Hauls, Vlogmas,New Dollar Tree Finds, unbelievable finds, Brand name items, amazing hauls that are a must watch, diy, diy projects, organization, diy crafts, dollar tree DIY, Dollar Tree Shop with me, Dollar Tree Browse with me, Dollar Tree Walk thrus, taste tests, product reviews and Hauls, Hauls and more Hauls for 2022 ! Even sprinkled in are Aldi shop with me and Aldi Hauls, Hobby Lobby, Target, Walmart and more ! You can reach me by email : [email protected] Instagram: #achickplus3 Shout out to some of my fellow Dollar Tree gals out there: Bargain Bethany, Chic on the Cheap, Crafty Girl Dollar Tree Hauls, and Thrifty Tiffany Dollar Tree Hauls. I'm sure you have seen them all but Dollar Tree Haul is their thing like mine !