First Sunday in Lent March 9, 2025 - “Jesus is Triumphant!”
Bulletin: https://bit.ly/shepherdak20250309 Service & Hymns: https://bit.ly/shepherdak20250309_Ser... Our Great Deliverer defeats Satan and secures our salvation. First Lesson – Deuteronomy 26:5-10 Moses reminds God’s people of God’s actions on their behalf. He especially points out their deliverance from the misery, toil and oppression they had experienced in the land of Egypt. Thanksgiving for such blessings lead them to worship the Lord and to bring him the first fruits of their crops. Psalm Song of the Day – 821 Psalm 91 “On Eagle’s Wings” Second Lesson – Romans 10:8b-13 God’s Word proclaims to us the good news of salvation and works faith in our hearts through which we are saved. This faith expresses itself through an outward confession of faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Gospel Lesson – Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus begins his ministry by battling with the devil. The devil confronts him with three temptations. Each time Jesus uses God’s Word to defeat Satan. Jesus’ victory over Satan started here and ended in complete and total victory on the cross. Thanks be to God for our Champion, the Lord Jesus Christ! Order of Service: The Service: (In the Hymnal Rack) Hymns for Today: 721, 821, 842, 502, 930 Sermon: Matthew 4:1-11 “Tempted…For Me!” “We thank Mark Schmeling for the message from God’s Word and conducting the service.” Music: Rachel Crites Flowers for Today: Schmeling Family – Anniversary – Mark and Katherine Offering: This is a time for members of Shepherd of the Hills to worship the Lord with their offerings. If you are a visitor, please do not feel compelled to give an offering. You are our guest! https://www.shepherdak.com/tithe Pastor Fred Voss Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Anchorage AK - Captured Live at http://www.shepherdak.com/live Notes: CW - Christian Worship - A Lutheran Hymnal (ISBN: 9-9944-3858-1) CWS - Christian Worship Supplement (ISBN: 978-0-8100-2062-7) SB - Let All the people Praise You - A Songbook (ISBN: 0-8100-0904-8) All copyrighted music is this service is covered by the following licenses: CCLI CSPL# CSPL060412 OneLicense# A-715814