Sermon: Our Blessed Hope: Yesterday, Today and Forever (Nov 27 2022)

Sermon: Our Blessed Hope: Yesterday, Today and Forever (Nov 27 2022)

Sermon: Our Blessed Hope: Yesterday, Today and Forever Scripture Readings: Isaiah 51:1-6; Titus 2:11-14 Main Points: 1. Yesterday: Gracious Salvation 2. Today: Godly Living and Waiting 3. Forever: Complete Redemption and Purification Summary: The Advent season is a remembrance and celebration not only of Jesus' birth 2,000 years ago, but also a longing and looking forward to his return from heaven to take us to the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:3). Just as God dwelt with our first parents Adam and Eve in Paradise, he will dwell with us in the new heaven and new earth, but this time, it will be forever. But what do we do while waiting and watching for Jesus’ Second Coming? We are to think, speak and act as God’s special, treasured possession, holy and godly, because our hope is not in our family, friends, work, or government, but in the sure appearing of our blessed hope: Christ our Savior, Redeemer and Eternal King from heaven.