Ritual to attract economic prosperity and provide protection against bad vibes
Take a clove of garlic and slice it in half. On a small piece of paper, clearly write the amount of money you hope to attract. Place this paper inside the sliced garlic and sprinkle it with a pinch of cinnamon. Wrap the garlic in a dollar bill and then in a piece of aluminum foil, folding everything toward yourself to symbolize money flowing into your life. Keep this wrapped garlic in your wallet and, with deep faith, repeat the following: "Divine garlic, open my paths and attract infinite money to my life. Powerful and miraculous garlic, protect me from those who wish me harm or look at me with evil eyes. So mote it be." Change it monthly to maintain its power. Each time you replace it, renew your intention and your confidence. Spend the dollar bill, and watch as the results begin to manifest. You will be amazed by the abundance arriving in your life. This ritual will not only attract economic prosperity but also provide protection against bad vibes. Perform it with faith and consistency, and soon you will be grateful for the positive changes it brings to your life.