High protein Pancakes // gluten-free, super easy recipe
#bananapancakes #proteinpancakesrecipe #shorts Who else is a pancake lover? These are the most delicious vegan protein pancakes you will ever try! 🥞🫐🍌🍴 Makes 3 big fluffy pancakes with over 25 grams vegan protein, 15 grams soluble fibre, no added sugar, free of gluten + all 9 essential amino acids (I said 8 by accident in the video). You can find the recipe below: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CPyQjw... • • #healthypancakes #proteinpancakes #veganpancakes #veganbreakfastideas #dairyfreebreakfast #glutenfreepancakes #buckwheatpancakes #pancakes #8020rule #sundaybrunching #healthybrunch #sundaybrunch #healthybreakfast #weekendbrunch #absaremadeinthekitchen #mealprep #saturdaybrunch