Webinar: Strategies for FRQs on the AP Calculus Exam, Part 1
Learn successful exam strategies for free response questions (FRQ) on AP Calculus tests. Former AP Calculus Chief Reader Steve Kokoska and AP Calculus Development Committee Co-Lead Vickie Carter provide insights on the scoring guidelines for the 2019 Free Response Question (FRQ) AB 2. This problem involved two particles moving along the x-axis with both tabular and algebraic forms. Presenters cover detailed interpretations and common student errors. Technology solutions with both the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire CX II graphing calculators are demonstrated. Additional examples with both motion along a line and motion in a plane (BC topic) are presented. 0:00 Webinar introduction 2:23 Start of webinar For more free webinars on TI technology, visit https://bit.ly/2lMq037.