Swollen Feet/ Leg swelling during Pregnancy/ Boy or Girl /baby gender prediction

Swollen Feet/ Leg swelling during Pregnancy/ Boy or Girl /baby gender prediction

Swollen feet also known as Edema is usually normal during pregnancy especially in third trimester of pregnancy. During Pregnancy, edema takes place when the body fluids increase to nurture both the pregnant mom and the baby in the womb and accumulate in the tissues. This video explains feet swelling in pregnancy if it has anything to do with baby gender boy or girl prediction or not and when to see the doctor. #edema #genderprediction #swollenfeet #legswelling #pregnancy #babygender #boyorgirl #oldwivestale #38weekspregnant #babyinwomb #babygenderprediction #preeclampsia #5monthspregnant 4monthspregnancy #7monthspregnant #8monthspregnant #9monthspregnancy #2ndtrimester #3rdtrimester