Median Nerve Anatomy & Functions Explained | Common Injury Points | Dr. Anubhav Gupta

Median Nerve Anatomy & Functions Explained | Common Injury Points | Dr. Anubhav Gupta

Understanding the anatomy of the Median Nerve is crucial, especially when discussing its functions and common injury points. The Median Nerve is formed by contributions from the lateral cord and lower trunk of the brachial plexus. It plays a key role in supplying the hand and certain flexor muscles. As it travels from the neck, the Median Nerve runs alongside the brachial artery across the arm and becomes quite superficial, making it vulnerable to injury. It further branches into important nerves responsible for thumb function before ending in digital branches. Watch this detailed explanation by Dr. Anubhav Gupta to gain a deeper understanding of the Median Nerve anatomy and its clinical significance. 🔔 Subscribe to the channel for more educational videos on anatomy, surgery, and medical concepts! 📩 Have questions? Drop them in the comments! ✉️ For appointment of Dr. Anubhav Gupta (Senior Consultant And Vice Chairman Department Of Plastic Surgery), call/whatsapp on: +91-9910469475 #MedianNerve #BrachialPlexus #HandAnatomy #NerveInjury #MedicalEducation #DrAnubhavGupta #Neuroscience #PlasticSurgery #HandFunction #Physiotherapy #ReconstructiveSurgery #MedianNerveInjury #OrthopedicSurgery #HandSurgery #WristPain #CarpalTunnel #NerveRegeneration #ThumbMovement #BrachialPlexus #ShoulderPain #NerveInjury #DrAnubhavGupta #MedicalAdvice #OrthopedicHealth #NerveDamage #ShoulderInjury #PainRelief #HandFunction #MuscleWeakness #PhysicalTherapy #Neurosurgery #HealthTips #ArmPain #Paralysis #ShoulderMovement #Fracture #Physiotherapy #SportsInjury #BrachialPlexusInjury #ShoulderDisorder #NerveCompression #MuscleAtrophy #Surgery #Rehabilitation #MedicalEducation #InjuryRecovery #HandSurgery #ShoulderHealth #BestPlasticSurgeonDelhi #TopPlasticSurgeonDelhi #PlasticSurgeryDelhi #CosmeticSurgeryDelhi #AestheticSurgery [Median Nerve, Median Nerve Anatomy, Brachial Plexus, Hand Nerve Supply, Nerve Injury, Median Nerve Function, Plastic Surgery, Neuroscience, Hand Movement, Thumb Function, Nerve Damage, Dr Anubhav Gupta, Nerve Surgery, Physiotherapy, Orthopedic Surgery, Wrist Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Peripheral Nerves, Hand Muscles, Reconstructive Surgery, Sensory Nerves, Motor Nerves, Hand Therapy, Nerve Compression, Nerve Repair, Brachial Plexus Injury, Digital Nerve Branches, Median Nerve Palsy]