0153 - When You're Gone - Acoustic - Avril Lavigne

0153 - When You're Gone - Acoustic - Avril Lavigne

Thanks to YouTube and all the artists/owners for allowing me to make this channel. Now you can play along and practice daily as much as you want. Gaining experience while having fun is paramount. I don't make claims to any monetary profits. I started sharing the channel to be helpful. If it's working out for you then great. Please share it with your friends. For those of you who are willing to put in the effort to practice, then your improvement should be very satisfying and I'm happy to be of service. I have been doing this for a long and gone through many changes and names. Oh yes, I've made my share of mistakes too, I hope most of them are only lyrical errors. I should go back and fix them asap, but I have much to do. The channel isn't really for absolute beginners, sorry, it's better if you already know how to play. The guitar takes a while to learn and years to master, just don't quit. Pick the easy songs that you like to challenge you but not overwhelm you. Welcome to the Practice Repo, I never make claims to any monetary rights. This unique and convenient channel is totally free with the acoustic players in mind. They say it never hurts to learn more songs, so depending on your musical likes, I have lots here for you to play along to. For the best results, make sure your quality settings are set to the highest resolution, you can click on full screen or cast to your big screen TV. I share this content to help people stay motivated to practice. I have to give many thanks to all those who's work I have chosen to use as the basis to represent the content of the artist's song. I'm grateful for the time, energy and effort you have saved me. It might not be apparent sometimes although in many cases I have edited for my own liking. I don't just regurgitate what I find, nor do I try to reinvent the wheel either. I do updates with corrections when I remember to go back and fix them. I have purchased all the embedded music, except a few video rips, I wasn't able to obtain through Itunes. I'm not here to spin out free music, however tabs without the music to follow, are like what subtitles are to foreign movies. The interpretation without the music to me would be nothing more than a guess. Repetition is the major part of practice, and practice is the bottom line to playing better / which contributes to enough experience to seek out other players or perhaps make your own videos. You can do this, if you're willing to learn the foundation. How much you work on one particular thing is up to you. Take your time and don't quit. I learned the guitar to help me quit smoking. The money I've saved alone is crazy. . . now I have several guitars. Even if your only a singer, playing these videos supports the rightful owners every time you play here, I hope it gives you piece of mind, but if you can, please purchase the songs you enjoy for your personal media-players. Without these artists, and all the people who make this work, life would be rather boring with nothing to play. I post whatever and whenever to my channel. Comment if you like, comments or corrections feedback is welcomed. If you happen to live in my location and you're interested in my music likes, I wouldn't mind hooking up with you to collab some real video covers or help with some original music. Given some time for you to practice, when you feel that my channel has helped you play better, please leave a comment or give me a shout out in your videos or my comment section. If you ever decide to start a channel like this on your own, be sure to tell me, I'll support my help and post your link. I made this channel in aid with my musical journey and fun, I hope it will help you with yours.