BEST SAVINGS incl 7.5% reg, 5.17% ISA & more (November 2024 UK top rates)
Find out which savings accounts will pay you the best rates right now in my latest roundup. *Find the latest accounts in my regularly updated savings account best-buy article over on our site https://becleverwithyourcash.com/savi... *More on these updates on our website November-2024s-savings-round-up-news/?utm_source=Organic_Youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Banking_savings&utm_content=November24_link_preview W A T C H N E X T Updates on the best savings, current accounts and credit cards • The best children's savings accounts ... Regular Savings accounts explained • Regular saver accounts explained: Are... #Savings #HighInterest #BestSavingsAccounts TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Will the base rate change? 01:10 Cash ISA rate war: MoneyBox vs T212 03:02 Trading 212 Uninvested Cash increase 04:00 Principality 7% regular saver 05:29 Zopa beta 7.5% regular saver 07:35 Chip app customer service 10:20 Chase tracker rate change 11:26 Autumn Budget's hidden savings announcements 14:08 Best easy access accounts - up to 6% 16:00 Best Notice accounts up to 5.15% 16:40 Best fixed rate savings - up to 5% 17:48 Best regular savers - up to 8% 18:45 Best ISAs up to 5.17% MORE S U B S C R I B E / @becleverwithyourcash N E W S L E T T E R - https://becleverwithyourcash.com/news... (You'll also get a free Quidco bonus for signing up) T W I T T E R - / beclevercash I N S T A G R A M - / becleverwithyourcash F A C E B O O K C O M M U N I T Y - / 2661970707423383 B L O G - https://becleverwithyourcash.com A B O U T A N D Y Andy Webb is a money blogger and journalist. He runs the award-winning website Be Clever With Your Cash, hosts the Cash Chats podcast, presented Channel 5’s Shop Smart Save Money and writes every month for Reader's Digest. Andy also founded the community ukmoneybloggers.com. DISCLAIMER Content in these videos does not constitute regulated financial advice. Any offers mentioned were correct at the time of filming.