Facts about fever||@Dr.shyamkkp #fever #viralfever #diabetes
Know facts about fever|| #fever #diabetes #healthtips #telugudoctorsvideos What are the most common causes of fever? A fever has many causes and can be a symptom of almost any illness. Common conditions that cause fever include: Bacterial infections. Viral infections such as influenza or COVID-19. Gastrointestinal (GI) infections. Urinary tract infections. Skin infections. You may also develop a fever due to: A reaction to certain medications. Vaccinations. Autoimmune disorders. Cancer. Can allergies cause fever? Allergies can cause cold-like symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes, but they typically don’t cause fever. Despite its name, hay fever (also called allergic rhinitis) doesn’t cause fever. Care and Treatment What’s the best way to measure body temperature? You can take your temperature in several different parts of your body. The most common site is your mouth (oral temperature). Other sites include your ear (tympanic membrane), forehead (temporal artery) and armpit (axillary). The most accurate site is the rectum, and the least accurate site is the armpit. The best way to measure your temperature is with a digital thermometer. Glass thermometers contain mercury and providers no longer recommend them. #fever #respiratoryproblems #entproblems #sunstroke #hightemperatureresistance #hightemperature #diabetessymptoms #heatstroke #uti #urine_infection #gynaec #urineproblem #burningup #dengue #malaria #typhoidfever #scrubtyphus #chickengunupdate #telugudoctorsvideos #doctor #diabetesdoctor #trending #liverdetoxification #livercleanse • Know facts about fever||@Dr.shyamkkp ...