Buddha Puja Attanagalla Rajamahavihara Srilanka Bhante Devananda
Buddha Vandana at Attanagalla Rajamahavihara Srilanka. It is an ancient temple historically recognized as the place where a Bodhisattva (a future Buddha) fulfilled his Dana Paramita (one of the ten perfections to be completed by a Bodhisattva to become a Buddha, an Awakened One). He sacrificed his life by giving his head in gratitude for a favour he received from a poor and ordinary countryman. May we all be well, happy and peaceful, May no harm come to us. May we all also have patience, courage, understanding, and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems, and failures in life. @bhantedevananda #Buddha #dharma #sangha #Buddhist #Buddhism #dharma #sangha #Meditation #lovingkindness #metta #MettaBhavana #freemeditation #meditationpractice #lovingkindnessmeditation #bhantedevananda #mindfulness #mettamonday #mettaprayer #mettapractice #blessings #meditationclass