Warning Signs That Indicate A Stroke – Never Ignore Them|Health & Fitness

Warning Signs That Indicate A Stroke – Never Ignore Them|Health & Fitness

Warning Signs That Indicate A Stroke – Never Ignore Them. Stroke is a life-threatening condition caused by improper blood flow in the brain. It’s also one of the five leading causes of death in the US. Even when a person survives a stroke, permanent brain damage is the most likely outcome. Aside from a hemorrhagic stroke, one that happens when a weakened blood vessel ruptures, there’s also an ischemic stroke, which occurs as a result of an obstruction within a blood vessel carrying blood to the brain. The hemorrhagic stroke, caused by aneurysms, is rarer. Luckily, the side effects of a stroke can be significantly lessened if you act promptly. Read on and find out what you should do in case you or someone close to you suffers from a stroke. Although stroke signs vary from person to person, all strokes have a common denominator – they occur unexpectedly. WARNING SIGNS THAT INDICATE STROKE – NEVER IGNORE THEM STROKE WARNING SIGNS Talking with difficulty or talking vaguely Hard time walking and having no control of movements Numb face and limbs, usually on one side OTHER SYMPTOMS OF STROKE Sight problems in one or both eyes Complete paralysis Sudden depression NOW, THE NEXT THING IS THE ACRONYM FAST TO EXPLAIN EACH STEP. Face: Look at the entire Is your smile crooking? Is it saggy? Arms: Lift your arms or try. Do they fall down? Speech: Just say anything a few times. Can you talk properly? Time: Look for help ASAP! A stroke strikes quickly and suddenly. That’s why it’s of vital importance to act promptly instead of waiting for things to get better. Don’t attempt to drive in this condition – it’s very dangerous as you can lose consciousness. Call 911 instead. Even if the symptoms start to fade away, it doesn’t mean that you no longer need help. These are known as sudden episodes or transient ischemic assaults (TIAs) and they increase the risk of a real stroke. Strokes sometimes resemble migraines, which can be confusing. But, have in mind that a stroke occurs suddenly, whereas a migraine develops with time spans. It’s also important to know migraine signs as they increase every stimulus. People describe migraines as patterns, like zigzag or flash colors/lights. On the other hand, TIAs begin with discomfort and blurred vision, impaired hearing and less mobility in limbs. Even though a stroke can affect anyone, it’s most typical of people suffering from: Hypertension Diabetes Smokers 55 or older Heart issues, atrial fibrillation and blood problems Genetics Aesthetic injuries Migraines In order to prevent a stroke, it’s important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet which includes a lot of water, fruits and vegetables. Cutting out cigarettes and taking up regular exercise is also crucial. Special thanks to respected owners: pixabay.com pinterest.com like us on Facebook:   / health-fitness-185113985275522   Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Health & Fitness channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider.