July 20th-Just for Today Reading .Credits: NA World Services, Inc.

July 20th-Just for Today Reading .Credits: NA World Services, Inc.

July 20 Step One “We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.” Step One ––––=–––– The First Step begins with “we,” and there’s a reason for that. There is great strength in making a verbal admission of our powerlessness. And when we go to meetings and make this admission, we gain more than personal strength. We become members, part of a collective “we” that allows us, together, to recover from our addiction. With membership in NA comes a wealth of experience: the experience of other addicts who have found a way to recover from their disease. No longer must we try to solve the puzzle of our addiction on our own. When we honestly admit our powerlessness over our addiction, we can begin the search for a better way to live. We won’t be searching alone—we’re in good company. ––––=–––– Just for today: I will start the day with an admission of my powerlessness over addiction. I will remind myself that the First Step starts with “we,” and know that I never have to be alone with my disease again. Copyright (c) 2007-2022, NA World Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ List of Meetings I make: Feel the Love Group of NA - Zoom id 348 006 1380 passcode 466529 Mondays at 7-8:30 EDT, mute yourself upon entry, raise your hand to share. WE NEED SUPPORT, please join us, I chair the zoom part and someone else who goes to the in person part chairs that. It is a hybrid meeting. 24-7 International Online NA Marathon Meeting: zoom id # 494-965-5895 passcode: 1953 9am (EDT) Wake Up Manhattan: 918-018-0710 passcode 918018 M-F Only Daily Conscious Contact 11th Step NA Meeting 10am EDT: zoom id # -862-9137-5466 passcode: 232323