Skin pe White Nishaan ka ilaaj | Tenia Versicolor @drzulfiali #youtubeshorts #skincare #eczema
@drzulfiali White patch often appear on face and neck area skin.Thses are due to fungal infection and eczema .They do not cause any significant symptoms other than consmetic problems .People have misconception regarding this disease of calcium deficiency which is not true .They sometime do self treatment with calcium and vit d supplements and cause overdose . It is simply treated with topical agents of antifungal and low dose steriods. This short video is for public awareness of this common benign skin problem. #white spots on skin #white patches on skin #white patches #what causes white spots on skin #safed nishan. #treatment for white spots on skin. #white spots on skin fungus #white spots on face #daad ke nishan kaise mitaye #white spots on skin images #fungalinfectiontreatment #teniaversicolor